
Bożonarodzeniowe życzenia od Pary Prezydenckiej

Andrzej Duda i Agata Kornhauser-Duda


Christmas and New Year’s wishes from the Presidential Couple


Dear Compatriots!

Ladies and Gentlemen!


Throughout the length and breadth of Poland, we gather at the Christmas table in the circle of the family and next of kin.


All of us together, full of joy and hope, we are waiting for the Good Tidings to come true soon.


On the occasion of Christmas we would like to extend to you all – all members of our Polish community at home and abroad – our very best wishes. May our hearts be filled with peace, trust and the sense of proximity among the people that are the core message which Christmas brings. Let them reign in Polish homes and everywhere where we take actions together for the common good.


We would like to symbolically break with each of you the opłatek wafer. We would like to address in particularly warm terms the ones who cannot now be with their beloved ones. Let us remember about those who are in need. Leaving one free place setting during Christmas Eve supper stands a great symbol of our hospitality and empathy. A symbol not only of solidarity as a general attitude, but also of deeds coming from the heart.


There is no Polish Christmas without common carol singing. This year, as we celebrate the Centenary of Independence, we shall sing them with particular emotion. May our present day and the coming future be prosperous for our Home Country. May it be marked with positive developments, progress and prosperity in the life of each of us. All the best, Dear Compatriots!


Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

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