
Victim of the Corona virus

“China has the fiscal space to act if needed. It will also be important to make sure that households and firms have access to credit, too. To bridge over any temporarily difficulties. And again, this is something that Chinese authorities have indicated they will be doing,” Rice said.


The so-called economic ‘spillover’ effects would be most felt among China’s Asian neighbors, including the loss in tourist revenue.


“If it's a small impact on China, the relative impact on the rest of the global economy would be smaller. Here we're looking mostly at a reduction in the number of Chinese people traveling abroad. The slowdown in imports, along with domestic economic activity. And given the close ties, China's close ties with the region, Asia would likely be most effect affected,” Rice added.


And Lebanon has not asked the IMF for a financial assistance package at this point, Rice said. That country has a partnership with the IMF to provide technical expertise and learning, but that is not the same as financial aid, Rice clarified.


“There's been no request for financial assistance from the Lebanese government government to the IMF. However, we are providing technical assistance. So no financial assistance. But we are providing technical assistance, which means, you know, economic advice.”

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