
The idea of HIP

HIP = Human Impact + Profit

Our world of more than six billion people faces many human problems that need solutions, many of which can be served by companies. By solving these human needs profitably through products and services (from Walmart’s $4 generic drug program to ICICI Bank’s micro-loans to Vestas’s wind turbines), a company can benefit customers, inspire employees, engage suppliers, and deliver sustainable profitable growth for its investors.

Building a HIP Portfolio that solves problems in Health, Wealth, Earth, Equality and Trust is a driver for attractive long-term financial performance. Today, one out of nine investment dollars seeks “human impact” as well as profit. And Goldman Sachs has shown out-performance by HIP-like publicly-listed companies.

The HIP Scorecard enables companies to identify the innovations that will serve customer needs profitably while improving society. At the same time, investors applying the HIP methodology have the opportunity to both “do good” and “make money.”

R. PAUL HERMAN, CEO + Founder,
Chief Investment Officer,
Chief Compliance Officer,
Series 65 Investment Adviser Representative

Paul invented “HIP = (Human Impact + Profit)” in 2004 to connect for-profit investors seeking positive human, social and environmental impacts and financial returns with investments designed to deliver those intended results.

Since then, Paul and the HIP team have advised investors (individuals, families and foundations – and their investment advisers); launched and manage the HIP 100 Index (SM) portfolio (a sustainable substitute for the S&P 100); and manage wealth for clients seeking their portfolios to become more HIP.

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