
World Economic Outlook report

Global growth is sluggish but tentatively stabilizing after two years of slowing, the IMF reported Monday (January 20) in its latest quarterly update to the World Economic Outlook report.


“So we have seen tentative signs that global growth may be stabilizing at subdued levels. We are projecting growth to recover modestly from 2.9 percent in 2019 to 3.3 percent in 2020 and then 3.4 percent in 2021,” says IMF Head of Research Gita Gopinath. 


The signing of the so-called ‘Phase One’ trade deal between the US and China and the fading uncertainty surrounding Brexit are positive steps. But other risks are arising.


“So the balance of risks are still so to the downside. Now there is some positive news from the U.S. China trade negotiations and from Brexit. However, geopolitical risks are rising. Social unrest is prevalent in many countries and we could see a re-escalation of trade tensions,” she added.

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