
Global Financial Stability Improved, Still Challenged

In those cases where they have been more serious when countries have adjusted policies in the right direction this has helped very much stabilize the situation. So I think that this is a very important lesson that has been learned.

But emerging markets going forward may still be subject to important challenges coming from high interest rates in the United States, particularly if these interest rates rise faster than it is expected. That makes their corporate debt positions more sensitive to bad news in terms of interest rates or bad news in terms of the economy.

At the same time in emerging markets there has been a reduction in secondary market liquidity. This is something which may create problems in case that foreign investors wanted to exit. Because there is not a sufficient domestic investor base in order to accommodate that movement without very significant increases in domestic asset prices.

So that's why it's very important that in addition to having some macro and financial fundamentals emerging market authorities are ready to provide liquidity to markets in order to maintain orderly conditions if that were to be needed."

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