
London unveils its Official Guest of Honour as the city welcomes more international visitors

The winner of an international search to find London's Official Guest of Honour, who will embark on a unique two week trip to the capital packed with a series of extraordinary experiences, is announced today.

The campaign, which has captured the imagination of people across the world, will see 24 year-old US citizen Adaeze Uyanwah travel to London next month to enjoy a once in a lifetime trip, during which she will be hosted by some of the capital's most famous residents at the city's most iconic visitor attractions.

The announcement comes on the day the United Kingdom's Office for National Statistics released new information showing that more international travellers are coming to London and the rest of Great Britain than ever before. Last year a record 16.8 million international visitors came to London but the new figures put the city on course to top this number.

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